Saturday, September 29, 2007

WIPO Launches New Agenda on IP and Development

WIPO, the World Intellectual Property Organization, has a launched a new agenda on IP and Development, according to Intellectual Property Watch.

The Friends of Development are: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Iran, Kenya, Peru, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uruguay and Venezuela.

If your country is not on this list, please ask them to consider joining.

Non-governmental organizations that played a key role include IFLA, the International Federation of Library Associations.

Peter Suber comments:

This is important. WIPO controls the direction of copyright and patent law worldwide, and the development agenda converts the WIPO mission from knee-jerk maximalism to something much closer to balance.

Thanks to Peter Suber on Open Access News for the tip; please see his blogpost for some useful tips.

This post is part of the Creative Globalization series.